sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013


Love the birds, love the sea,
Love everything but me

Love yourself, anyone else,
Everyone but me

I’m not to be loved
When my heart is so closed
I can’t even love myself

I’m not to be loved
When the love is for those
Who search it out of the shelf

I’m too coward, too complicated,
So afraid to hurt
Or to be hurt

You give me poppies
With your puppy eyes
And it always ends
with a turn of my head
On those sad, lonely, heartbreaker goodbyes

Love the birds, love the sea

Not me!

2 comentários:

TCS disse...

Depois deste bonito poema, apraz-me dizer isto:

TCS disse...

Depois deste lindo poema veio-me isto à cabeça: